Plasma Pen

Plasma Pen is a revolutionary technology in the field of non-surgical aesthetic treatment designed to improve skin tone and texture, giving it a brighter, more contoured and more youthful appearance. The treatment works by tightening sagging skin and reducing the appearance of loose skin around the jaw. Fine lines and deeper wrinkles are reduced. It can be used to treat:
- Upper eyelid wrinkles
- Wrinkles around eyes
- Neck
- Crows feet
- Upper lip lines
- Wrinkles on the face
- Acne & acne scars
- Raised skin lesions
- Sunspots & age spots
- Skin tags & Warts
- Incisions or surgery scars
- Fat accumulation
- Birth mark and dark spots on the upper lips
- Décolleté spots
- Tattoo removal of every colour
For the first time in the history of the aesthetic industry we are now able to remove excess skin in a non-surgical, minimally invasive manner

With the application of a controlled ‘micro-beam of plasma’ to superficial layers of skin allows trained hands to perform multitude of procedures such as upper and lower eyelid lifts, mini face-lifts, and the removal of wrinkles, unsightly scars, stretch marks and even tattoos.
All of this without the use of scalpel or sutures to outweigh previous attempts at remodeling the face and the skin.
The procedure is virtually pain-free, it takes a few minutes and leaves the patient with no visible down-time. Swelling is also lessened in comparison to surgery, and optimal results are achieved within 1 to 3 sessions, depending on the amount of skin that needs to be reduced.
Compared to surgical treatments, the benefits are as follows:
- Injectable anaesthetic not required
- No cutting of skin or stitches needed
- Very low risk procedure
- Minimal side effects and far less downtime
- Quick & easy procedure
- Most patients can return to work the same day
- No thinning of the skin
- Significant cost saving
Crow’s Feet

Plasma Pen Treatment – Age Spot Removal
Plasma Pen Treatment – Forehead Wrinkle Removal
Plasma Pen Treatment – Moles Removal
Plasma Pen Treatment – Eyebag Wrinkle removal
Plasma Pen Treatment – Lentigo Removal
Plasma Pen from Beamwave Technologies
Call us now for a consultation and assessment.
** these procedures results may vary per client **