(312) 638-4979 Chicago, IL
(224) 432-5803 Glenview, IL
(786) 438-0778 Miami, FL
(312) 638-4979 Chicago, IL
(224) 432-5803 Glenview, IL
(786) 438-0778 Miami, FL



To ensure optimal treatment results it is important the you read this carefully. Your signature below indicating that you have read these instructions in their entirety and that you fully understand the need to notify our office immediately if you are experiencing any adverse effects or abnormalities not listed below.


  • It may take a minimum of two plus weeks for treatment results to be noticeable.
  • Minor bruising and swelling is normal and to be expected.
  • Lumps and/or bumps may temporarily occur at or along treatment site(s). These will resolve with time and are seldom a cause for concern.
  • Minor pain at injection site is normal and to be expected. Pain may last up to week post treatment.
  • Asymmetry and irregularity of tissue treated is common post treatment and usually resolves itself.


  • Avoid exercise for 24 hours after treatment.
  • Diligently follow your practitioner’s instructions with use of antihistamines if you are prone to seasonal allergies.
  • If you experience sever weather or dramatic atmospheric pressure changes in your geographic location, you may experience greater than normal swelling or complications.
  • Avoid excessive chewing and hard foods for 3 days post treatment. Do not drink from the straw.
  • Avoid animated facial expressions for a week post treatment.
  • To avoid additional swelling, sleep with head elevated for 2-3 days post treatment.
  • Avoid massaging treatment areas excessively.
  • Avoid washing your face for 12 hours following treatment.
  • Don’t wear makeup or apply facial creams for 48 hours following treatment
  • Keep Steri-Strips for 3 days. After 3 days you can peel it off.
  • After you removed Steri-Strips, apply Vaseline or Bacitracin ointment to the insertion sites for 10 days.

Constact us if you:

1. Experience increased redness, swelling or pain at injection site.
2. Have one or more threads begin to extrude.
3. Have additional questions or concerns regarding your treatment/treatment follow-up.